Blue Rider Box

Benvingudes al nostre nou projecte, la BLUE RIDER BOX!
Una capsa mensual de llibres per a nenes i nens que inclou un conte il·lustrat i activitats interactives per inspirar a nenes i nens a llegir i practicar l’anglès.
Aquest projecte ha estat creat i dissenyat per la Rebecca @iamrebeccajune i la Mertxe @llibreriaelgenetblau
Podeu escollir entre aquestes tres opcions:

_1 capsa (24,95 euros)

_Suscripció de tres mesos. Durant tres mesos rebreu a casa vostra una Blue Rider Box (69,95 euros)

_Suscripció de sis mesos. Durant sis mesos rebreu a casa vostra una Blue Rider Box (127,95 euros)

*Despeses d’enviament no incloses.

Welcome to our new project, the BLUE RIDER BOX!
A monthly story book box for children, featuring a picture book and interactive activities to inspire kids to read and practise their English!
This project has been created and designed by Mertxe from @llibreriaelgenetblau and Rebecca @iamrebeccajune
We hope you like it! You can choose between three options:

_A box (24,95 euros)

_Three-month subscription (For 3 months a Blue Rider Box will arrive at your home)

_Six-month subscription (For 6 months a Blue Rider Box will arrive at your home).

*Shipping costs not included.

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